Audience Profile

In order to specify my target audience and their interests, I looked their demographics and psychographics. The artist I have chosen for my music video is Ariana Grande. Therefore I have created an audience profile based on the type of artist Ariana is and also how the target audience are.

I used the website Prezi to display the demographics and psychographics of my target audience. These factors will be useful for choosing which song I will use for my music video and also which visuals I will include in the video. Furthermore, deciding on these factors will help make sure that I do not include things that my audience do not like. For example, knowing the age group of audience is useful because I will know not to make the video too childish and not too mature either. Additionally, determining the psychographics of the target audience is useful because I will be able to include certain things in the video that the audience can relate to.

Ariana Grande Style

Additonally, I created this set on Polyvore to show the kind of fashion style my target audience would have. These clothes are similar to the clothes that Ariana Grande would wear, but are from shops that are affordable to the audience. This is useful because it will help me decide on what costumes to use in the music video.

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