Audience Theories and Music Videos

In today's lesson we learned about two different audience theories: The Effects Model (or Hypodermic Needle Model) and Uses and Gratifications.

The Effects Model theory suggests that media has an effect on the audience similar to drugs, whereby it's injected into you and you have no control over its effects. This can be applied to music videos because some people might mimic what they see in the videos they watch for example copying the fashions or dances. This suggests that the music videos involuntarily shape the audience's personality.

Uses and Gratifications opposes the Effects Model theory as it suggests that the audience has power over what they consume. There are four  reasons in this theory that explain why the audience consume media texts: to seek information, for personal interest, for social interaction or as a form of entertainment. This theory can be applied to why audiences consume music videos because we choose whether to accept or reject the message which is presented. Moreover, the audience chooses to watch the videos out of their own benefit, and are not controlled over whether they have to watch it or not.

As a class we watched the video for 'Time' by Chase & Status and thought about how each of the theories might apply to it:-

The theme of domestic violence is denoted in this music video. A man is shown abusing his partner, but then a teenager takes action and gets him arrested.

The Effects Model theory can be applied to this video because the audience are forced to consume the theme of domestic violence. Domestic violence is portrayed in a negative light, therefore the audience are forced for believe that it is wrong. In addition, the audience are also exposed to idea that men are vicious and that women are vulnerable.This relates to the Effects Model theory because the audience have no control over being fed this idea.

On the other hand, audiences could choose to watch this video as a form of entertainment; this would be an example of the Uses and Gratifications theory. Additionally, some people may choose to watch this if they are in a similar situation to the characters portrayed in the video. This is also an example of the Uses and Gratifications theory as the audience are choosing to consume media in order to gain information. Furthermore, there are many people who are strongly against domestic violence, and therefore they might watch this video to reinforce their beliefs. This links to the Uses and Gratifications theory because the audience watch the video as a part of their personal identity.

After learning these theories, I independently chose a video of my own interest which I could apply these theories to. I chose the video to 'I Don't Care' by R&B singer Elle Varner. The video depicts different types of relationships such as multi-racial couples and same sex couples. It shows how these couples are sometimes not accepted by other people and are subsequently prejudiced against. This relates to the title of the song since the people in those couples "don't care" about how they're treated because they love each other.

The Effects Model could be applied to this video as the audience are powerless and are forced to take in the message of the narrative. The audience will immediately feel sympathetic towards the protagonists since we see things from their point of view. For example we see how the white male appears upset that he is rejected by his girlfriend's father, therefore this makes the audience not want to act in such a discriminatory way. This shows how the audience are subconsciously influenced by the message of the video.

On the other hand, the Uses and Gratifications theory could also be applied to the video. Audiences may choose to watch this video if they are a fan of the artist (which is why I personally decided to watch this video) and use the video as a form of entertainment. People who are against discrimination would want to watch this video in order to reinforce their own beliefs.

This activity has helped me to consider why audience's watch music videos. I has helped me to think about whether to include a deeper message into my own music video.

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