Digipak Editing

I used Photoshop to edit the pictures for my digipak. I experimented with lots of different pictures and editing techniques in order to find which one worked best.

I firstly edited a picture in black and white as this is used on Ariana Grande's album art.However I did not feel like this worked well for the song I had chosen. I therefore experimented with overlaying pink layers as I felt like this would connote love.

From conducting research into other digipaks, I discovered that the artists appeared to have flawless skin due to being edited. I therefore eliminated any visible blemishes that appeared in the photograph.


I then decided to look at different fonts to use on the cover of the album. I chose fonts which looked girly as they relate to my chosen artist, Ariana Grande. I also looked at fonts which had hearts as this relates to 'love' which is the theme of the song.


I decided to use this font as it isn't too over the top, yet still fits in with the theme of the song and relates to the artist.

Digipak Ideas

I drew out a draft of what I wanted my digipak to look like. The top three images would be on the outside, and the bottom three would be on the inside. I aimed to follow the conventions of real digipaks by using six panels. I also decided to include multiple images of the artist.

I embedded below the contact sheet from when I took my pictures. I wanted to connote Ariana Grande's fun and girly personality. 

Magazine Advert Research

This post shows the research I did into magazine advertisements for new albums. From this task, I have learnt that these advertisements usually use the same imaging as the original album art. They also use the same or a similar font scheme to the album cover. When making the advertisement for my digipak, I will use these conventions. Moreover, I will include the name of a couple of tracks from the album, the logo of the record company, and the artist's website.