Filming Schedule and Health and Safety Form

I created a filming schedule to help organise when I would be filming certain scenes. This was useful as it hopefully means I will not miss out on filming any scenes for my video.

I also created a health and safety form to identify any possible hazards. This task was essential as it will help reduce any incidents from occurring.

Storyboard and Shot List

I drew out a storyboard for my music video and uploaded it to flip snack. I aimed to follow the conventions of most music video by regularly changing the shot. I planned for each shot to last around 1-3 seconds. This task was useful so that I'd know exactly what to film and how long to record for.

I then created a shot list on Microsoft Word and then uploaded it to Slideshare. This further explained what I wanted to film and where.

Final Treatment

This post shows the changes I have made to my treatment following the feedback I was given.


Ariana Grande 'Lovin' It' Music Video

I used Polyvore to design the costumes the lead singer will be wearing in the video.
1. This outfit will be worn in the first scene, in the restaurant setting. It is casual enough to fit the setting, yet still looks girly. Furthermore, this outfit is very similar to Ariana Grande's style.
2. A denim jacket and leggings will be worn during the second scene, in the street setting. This gives a cool and edgy look however the use of a pink scarf retains the singer's girly persona.
3. A pink dress will be worn during the party scene. Its bright colour connotes the singer's fun attitude and again represents her as being girly.
4. This outfit will be worn for scenes when the singer is lip syncing against a background. Most of the shots will be close ups, therefore I felt it was important to make the singer wear a top that stands out. The use of crop top is conventional Ariana Grande. However I don't want the audience to think that this looks too sexy, therefore I decided that she should wear ribbon in her hair to connote her innocence.
5. This outfit will be worn when filming against a green screen. The use of a pink skater skirt again represents the singer as being girly and relates to Grande's style.

Equipment list

Green screen
Party supplies - balloons, glow sticks
Computer w/ Final cut Pro